Hike Hold

With the assistance of a partner, lift baby on your back making sure the fabric panel is spread over baby's bottom. Lean forward to keep baby on your back.
  1. Take one end of the Snuggly Wrap and move it from under your arms to the opposite shoulder across your body.
  2. Spread teh fabric over baby's back, making sure you keep fabric pulled tightly as you wrap.
  3. Tuck fabric under baby's leg and bring back to the front.
  4. Cross the other end over to the opposite shoulder and over baby's back. Both fabric pieces are now crossed on your chest.
  5. Bring the second piece of fabric under baby's legs to the front. Hold on tightly to both ends of the fabric.
  6. Pull. You may choose to tie a knot in the front or bring the fabric around to your pack and tie.
  7. Have help from a partner and wrap over soft surfaces to keep baby safe.